General Conditions of Sale
BIOMOTION, VTC company in Nice and on the Côte d’Azur
1. Application of the General Conditions
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION is a Limited Liability Company with a capital of 7500 Euros, with its registered office at 69 rue de Pégomas – 06130 Grasse, registered in the Grasse Commercial and Companies Register under number 530 727 882 00017, VAT: FR50530727882 and holder of the Domestic Operating License:
● Domestic and International Transport Licence: N° 2015/93/0001308 ● Limousine – VTC Licence: N° EVTC 006160601
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION, Société de transport publics de personnes offers to the passenger and/or to any client that it may designate, its services of passenger transport and car rental with driver.
Unless otherwise agreed, booking a car with ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION implies full and unreserved adherence to these general conditions, with the exclusion of all other documents such as brochures, catalogues, issued by ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION and which are of indicative value only.
No special conditions may prevail over these conditions, except for the formal and written acceptance of ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION.
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION, reserves the right to outsource its services to listed companies.
2. Purpose of the Contract
As a passenger transport company, the activity is subject to the regulation of occasional services (Decree 85-891 of 16/08/1985 and Law 82-1153 of 30/12/1982) or private services (Decree 87-242 of 07/04/1987 and Law 82-1153 of 30/12/1982).
● Occasional services: booking from 2 people (except tours in place) ● Private services*: booking from 1 person.
* Specified in the Enterprise Framework Contract and Partnership Contract
As a private car company with driver (VTC), ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION may also be subject to the legislation inherent to this activity.
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION may refuse to perform a service if the request does not comply with the legal conditions of road passenger transport law.
Financial guarantee and insurances : ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION has taken out an insurance under the conditions stipulated by the Personal Transport Code, with MFA Nice rue Arson 06300 Nice, for bodily, material and immaterial damages resulting from its professional activity, for an amount of 1 million euros. (€1,000,000) per claim.
3. Reservation
Advance booking is required either by phone or by e-mail.
When booking, it is important to provide as much information as possible to allow ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION to perform the service under the right conditions. In particular, the date and time of pick-up, the place of pick-up (in the case of pick-up at the airport, the flight number or origin of the flight must be specified), the destination address and the number of persons to be transported. Please also specify the number of baggage items to be carried.
Advance reservations, buses and special services: without a quote or order form signed by you and without a return from the commercial service, no booking will be taken into account.
For final confirmation:
– Stamp, date, signature with the indication “good for agreement” and address for drawing up the invoice
– Pay us a deposit of 30% of the total amount, the remaining balance will be paid after the performance
– Specify the contact details of a person in charge on site, the number of people, the place(s) of pick-up and drop-off, the detailed programme of your trip.
In the event of missing or erroneous information, ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION will not be held liable for a failure to perform its transport service, and no compensation or compensation may be claimed.
4. Pricing & Services
Company framework contract and partnership contract: see specific contract rates
The fares are published as an indicative flat rate and the price of the trip is communicated by our teams at the time of booking.
The nightly rates from 20h00 to 8h00 are increased by 20%. Any change of service after confirmation implies a renegotiation. Rates and services are subject to change without notice.
Prices are quoted in Euros.
The prices of services are generally understood to include all taxes, fees and related service costs. The costs and service charges correspond to the costs related to the services ordered by the user, borne by the partners, and in particular indirect taxes (VAT, other similar taxes) and other costs necessary for the processing of the user’s orders.
Included in the benefits are:
The published prices include VAT (10%) at the rate set by the regulations in force for transport services on the day of the race, chauffeur service
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION. RCS GRASSE 530.727.882 professional, vehicle maintenance, fuel, unlimited insurance "people
transported", the mileage of the roadmap according to the route, the carbon offset.
The following are not included in the benefits:
Any entrance fee not mentioned in the package, any tolls and parking fees unless mentioned in the quote, the driver’s night off and meal during an à la carte journey, miscellaneous disbursements and services on request.
They are set according to the type of service previously reserved:
● Transfert :
All trips to Nice and the PACA region, Airports and Train Stations, and all other possible destinations by road. Transfers everywhere.
The fares are fixed packages according to the route which may vary and be changed without notice depending on the time slot, additional services requested etc ...
Packages and rates are available at any time on request.
For single transfers (excluding airport arrivals) 15 minutes waiting time are offered, beyond the waiting time will be charged 15 euros per 15 minutes. Each instalment started being due in full.
● Availability: Free rental of a car with driver for a chosen destination waiting for the driver. These transports are suitable for private, business, event and leisure environments.
These daily rentals vary from 2h to 5h in a half day and from 6h to 12h in the day. For an à la carte transport, short or long-term, please contact us.
Package according to the period of availability and the service requested by the client. Minimum billing for 3 hours for a half-day booking, and 6 hours for a day booking.
The rates are fixed according to the rental time of the vehicle with driver, which may vary and be changed without notice according to time slot, additional services requested etc.
Packages and rates are available at any time on request.
● Excursions: provision of passenger transport and organization of transport and sightseeing tours for individuals and small groups. Package or "package" including transport or circuit costs.
5. Use of the Service
Every hour started is due. Kilometers are counted departure and return garage. Smoking is prohibited in vehicles.
Any damage caused to the vehicle by the customer will be charged.
Baggage or any other object owned by the customer remains the responsibility of the person being transported. The amount of luggage is proportional to the capacity of the vehicle used.
ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION is not responsible for valuables left in vehicles or for delays or cancellations caused by events beyond its control such as weather conditions, political events, strikes or accidents disrupting road, rail or air traffic.
6. Payments
Company framework contract and partnership contract: see specific rates of the contract Method of payment
Only accepted on board vehicles: Cash or Credit Card (payment transactions secured by SSL protocol). For payments by credit card, are accepted: Eurocard, Mastercar, Visa, American Express. A contribution to the transaction costs may be requested, set at 1% of the transaction amount including VAT, minimum €1. The presentation of an ID document is obligatory for all payment by credit card.
Payment on invoice at the end of the month for corporate framework contracts and partnership contracts. See the specific conditions in the said contracts.
Confirmation and down payment
The collective ticket and then the invoice have the value of a transport ticket and confirm the booking.
All payments must be settled before delivery, except for contractualization "corporate framework contract"* and urgent transport.
For long-term and event services, the instalment or end-of-month payment is
authorized with an advance payment, the balance shall be settled on the dates agreed between the parties. Penalties for late payment
Invoices are issued according to the terms and conditions of sale. No discount for early payment. Any sum not paid by the due date will automatically incur late payment penalties calculated at the legal rate increased by 5 points, plus VAT, as well as a fixed indemnity of €40 for collection costs.
*Companies on account: payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
7. Postponement & Cancellation
Any total cancellation must be notified at least 12 hours before the start of the service. Where applicable, ADE DRIVER – BIOMOTION reserves the right to charge cancellation fees:
– 2 to 7 days before the performance: 30% charged – 48 hours before the performance: 50% charged
– 12 hours before the performance: 100% invoiced
Service regarding the working conditions applicable to drivers, the client fully accepts these conditions and will organise his trip in accordance with these laws.
We kindly ask our kind customers to take into account, when making their journeys, the following information concerning the working conditions applicable to bus drivers.
1 – The maximum duration of continuous driving for a driver must not exceed 4h30, beyond which a stop of 45 minutes must be respected or during the 4h30, 45 minutes in 2 periods: obligation to make a stop of 15 minutes and then a stop of 30 minutes, (the order to make 15 minutes and then 30 minutes is imperative).
2 – The maximum daily driving time allowed must not exceed 9:00 a.m. per working day. In addition to the mandatory stopping times referred to in the first subparagraph, a daily rest period of 9 a.m. shall be observed.
3 – The daily working time may not exceed 12h00 of overall amplitude (departure deposit / return deposit).
4 – For any exceedance of amplitude, a second driver is required to overtake the first driver within 18 hours. A surcharge will be charged.
5 – A weekly rest period must be observed after 6 consecutive days of work.
8. Complaint & Customer Relationship Service
In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of their agreements, the parties shall, prior to any litigation, seek an amicable settlement and shall provide each other with all necessary information to that end. This clause applies even in the event of an interlocutory injunction, an interlocutory claim or a multiplicity of defendants or an appeal for security, and regardless of the method and manner of payment. These terms and conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the Courts of GRASSE will have exclusive jurisdiction, even in the event of an interlocutory claim, multiple defendants or a warranty claim.
BIOMOTION, VTC company in Nice and on the Côte d’Azur